Partnership is several people joining together to accomplish a task or meet a need that is greater than what they could do on their own.
Being a partner with Shane is as simple as making a commitment to regularly support the ministry through your giving and prayers.
This can be through a monthly or annual giving.
I have some very dear friends who deposited into my life and future ministry when I was a young man about to start Bible College. God supernaturally brought them into my life at the right time. On numerous occasions I have shared WHAT THEIR INVESTMENT in me has done. Every time I step onto a platform in a church or a conference to train leaders, Children and parents, every time someone responds to the Gospel message and their lives are changed for eternity the FRUIT of all these years is THEIRS. They couldn’t go BUT they sent someone.
Ministry Partnership is definitely one of the faith-stretching things to do, but at the end of the day, it’s also one of the most fulfilling as we see lives both young and old changed. The greatest benefit simply knowing that people's lives are being changed. People are being saved, healed, and set free because of the prayers and faithful financial support of people like you.
Mother Teresa said, "You can do what I cannot do. I can do what you cannot do. Together, we can do great things."
Partnership is the ability to accomplish more together than apart. It is two or more people binding themselves towards a single vision.
Only Heaven will tell the impact of your giving.
Forty (40) years later, this is a new season, new nations and new opportunities. Be a part of a movement that practices what it preaches.
Be part of an important ministry that simply cannot be sustained without your help.
Help us to pursue our passion of Training, Equipping and Reaching all generations so that they can be powerfully used of God NOW
Your support will do so much. Pray about becoming a Partner with our ministry. No gift is too small or too large. Every gift helps us to reach people and change lives for Christ. Your Partnership is greatly appreciated.
Ephesians 3:20 “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us
WHATEVER amount you pledge you will be making an INVESTMENT to the GENERATIONS of the Nations.

Click on Hands for Partnership brochure