IGNITE Generations Summit "Hearing God's Voice" in Melbourne.
IGNITE Generations Summit: Families HEAR GOD Speak
What an incredible and powerful Training day as parents, kids and leaders were equipped and trained TOGETHER to "Hear God's Voice" There was a hunger in the hearts of those who attended. Kids received Words and Pictures for others in their practical hands on sessions. It can be Summed up by one of the parents who attended: " Family and Kids Summit 2017(Hearing God's Voice) : - Thank you Pastor Shane Cooke for organising this event and sowing generously into the lives of our children. Our family has been greatly blessed. God bless you and we pray that more children would attend and benefit from your ministry" Andrea Daniel
Our speakers did a phenomenal job. Each brought their unique skills to minister. Speakers for the Summit: Brett Ryan, Anna Nyhuis, Roselyn Owen, Klaus Kruithoff and myself

We are looking forward to hosting this event annually in Melbourne and other cities.
Family Service at Casey Life Church. This is our home church when I am in town. Pastor Graham & Julie Shand are the Senior Pastors at Casey Life. I was honoured to minister at the Family Service this past Sunday. I preached on "Bless me Too" highlighting the Power of Blessing. Using a lot of Object Lessons and "Bubbles" to bring across the message. Great response to the message.
"Fantastic time in both services this morning with Pastor Shane Cooke. A great time praying over each other and our families and a great word on being carriers of God’s blessing & living IN the blessing" Yohan La Brooy